Mobile Augmented Reality: How to Use AR on Your Phone

Mobile Augmented Reality: How to Use AR on Your Phone

Have you ever wondered how virtual objects can be placed in the real world? Or how can you interact with them as if they were there? The answer lies in mobile augmented and virtual reality technology.

Mobile AR and VR are immersive technologies enabling users to experience interactive content through smartphones or tablets. Augmented reality overlays digital information in the real world, while virtual reality creates a completely simulated environment.

The history of mobile AR and VR dates back to the early 2000s when video display algorithms were developed for placing virtual objects in real-world locations. Since then, technological advancements have made it possible for anyone with a smartphone to access this interactive experience through various apps.

Today, companies like Google are investing heavily in mobile AR and VR, creating new ways for users to view instructions, prompts, and information on their devices. As this technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more exciting developments that will change how we interact with the world around us.

Benefits of Using Mobile AR for Business Growth

Increased Customer Engagement

One of the most significant benefits of using mobile augmented reality (AR) technology is the ability to increase customer engagement. With AR, businesses can create interactive experiences that allow customers to engage with their products or services in a more immersive way. This leads to a more memorable experience and can help make a stronger connection between the customer and the brand.

For example, a furniture company could use AR technology to create an app that allows customers to see how different pieces of furniture would look in their home before making a purchase. This type of interactive experience helps customers make better purchasing decisions and creates a positive association with the brand.

Enhanced Brand Awareness

Another benefit of using mobile AR for business growth is enhanced brand awareness. By creating unique and memorable experiences through AR, businesses can stand out from competitors and increase their visibility among potential customers.

For instance, a clothing company could use AR technology to create an app that allows customers to virtually try on clothes before purchasing. This type of innovative experience attracts attention and generates social media buzz as people share their experiences online.

Improved Sales Conversion Rates

Finally, using mobile AR technology can improve sales conversion rates for businesses. By providing customers with an interactive and engaging experience, they are more likely to purchase or take other desired actions.

For example, an automobile manufacturer could use AR technology to create an app that allows potential buyers to see what different models would look like in various colors and configurations. By providing this personalized experience, the manufacturer can increase the likelihood that the customer will make a purchase.

Overall, there are many benefits to using mobile augmented reality technology for business growth. Whether it’s increasing customer engagement, enhancing brand awareness, or improving sales conversion rates, businesses that embrace this innovative technology are likely to see significant benefits in terms of growth and profitability.

So if you’re looking to take your business to the next level, consider exploring the possibilities of mobile AR technology and see how it can help you achieve your goals.

Understanding the Basics of Mobile Augmented Reality

How mobile AR works

Mobile augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information in real-world environments. It uses the camera and sensors on a mobile device to track the user’s position and orientation, allowing virtual objects to appear as if they are part of the physical world. The process involves three main components: tracking, rendering, and display.


Tracking is determining the user’s position and orientation in real time. It uses computer vision algorithms to analyze images from the camera and identify environmental features that can be used as reference points. These reference points are then tracked over time to calculate the user’s movement relative to them.


Rendering is the process of creating virtual objects that appear in the real world. This involves combining 3D models with textures, lighting, and other visual effects to make them look realistic. The virtual objects are then overlaid onto live video from the camera using a technique called compositing.


Display refers to how virtual objects are presented on screen. They can be displayed in different ways depending on their purpose and context. For example, they can be anchored to specific locations in space or move with the user as they move around.

Types of Mobile AR

There are two main types of mobile AR: marker-based and markerless.

Marker-based AR

Marker-based AR uses predefined markers or codes placed in specific locations as reference points for tracking. When viewed through a mobile device, these markers trigger virtual content, such as animations or videos, to appear on the screen. Examples include QR codes or image recognition markers.

Markerless AR

Markerless AR tracks natural features in an environment without relying on predefined markers or codes. This type of AR is more complex because it requires sophisticated algorithms for identifying features such as edges, corners, or planes where virtual content can be anchored. Examples include Pokemon Go or Snapchat filters.

Popular tools for creating mobile AR content

Creating mobile AR experiences does not require advanced technical skills. Several user-friendly tools are available that allow anyone to create and publish their own AR content.

Spark AR Studio

Spark AR Studio is a free tool by Facebook that allows users to create augmented reality effects for Instagram, Facebook, and Messenger. It offers a drag-and-drop interface, scripting capabilities, and templates to get started quickly.

Lens Studio

Lens Studio is a similar tool by Snapchat that lets users create custom lenses and filters for the app. It includes 3D modeling tools, animation features, and face-tracking capabilities.


Vuforia is an augmented reality platform by PTC that provides tools for creating marker-based and markerless AR experiences. It offers image recognition capabilities, 3D object tracking, and cloud-based hosting services.

How Mobile AR Can Enhance Customer Experience

Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) has revolutionized how customers interact with brands. It allows for a more immersive, personalized, and interactive experience that can enhance customer engagement and satisfaction. Here are some ways in which mobile AR can improve the overall customer experience.

Personalized Shopping Experiences

One of the biggest advantages of mobile AR is the ability to offer customers personalized shopping experiences. With mobile AR, customers can visualize products in their own space before making a purchase decision. For instance, furniture companies can use AR to allow customers to see how a certain piece of furniture would look in their living room or bedroom. This feature ensures that customers make informed decisions based on their preferences and needs.

Moreover, retailers can also use mobile AR technology to provide customized recommendations based on previous purchases or browsing history. This approach helps build trust between the brand and its customers while also increasing sales.

Interactive Product Demonstrations

Mobile AR also offers an opportunity for businesses to create interactive product demonstrations that engage customers beyond traditional methods like videos or images. With augmented reality, businesses can create 3D models of their products that users can interact with by rotating, zooming in/out, or tapping on specific features.

For example, cosmetic companies can use AR to let users try out different makeup looks virtually before buying them. The user simply has to point their phone’s camera at themselves and see how they would look with a particular lipstick shade or eyeshadow palette.

Gamification in Marketing

Gamification is another way mobile AR enhances the customer experience by creating fun and engaging marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness and loyalty. By integrating game mechanics into marketing campaigns using augmented reality technology, businesses can increase customer engagement while also promoting products/services.

For instance, McDonald’s launched an AR game app called “,Applications” where job seekers could play games related to working at McDonald’s as part of the hiring process. This approach not only attracted potential employees but also created a buzz around the brand.

Another example is Nike’s AR app, which allows users to virtually try on and customize their sneakers, creating a fun and interactive shopping experience.

The Potential of Virtual Reality in Mobile Devices

Virtual reality has been around for a while now, but it is only recently that it has become accessible to the masses with the advent of mobile devices. With smartphones becoming more powerful and affordable, virtual reality is no longer limited to high-end computers and expensive headsets.

Immersive storytelling opportunities

One of the most exciting applications of virtual reality on mobile devices is immersive storytelling. With virtual reality, users can be transported to a different world where they can experience a story like never before. Whether it’s exploring a haunted house or diving into an underwater adventure, virtual reality allows users to become part of the story.

Mobile applications such as Within and Google Spotlight Stories offer a wide range of immersive storytelling experiences that are designed specifically for mobile devices. These apps use 360-degree videos and interactive elements to create an immersive experience that feels like you’re actually there.

Realistic virtual tours

Another application of virtual reality on mobile devices is realistic virtual tours. With virtual reality, users can explore real-world locations without ever leaving their home. This makes it ideal for industries such as real estate and tourism.

Real estate agents can use virtual reality to give potential buyers a tour of a property without them having to physically visit it. Similarly, tourism companies can use virtual reality to showcase different destinations and attractions.

Apps such as YouVisit offer realistic 360-degree tours that allow users to explore different locations from their smartphone or tablet.

Training simulations for employees

Virtual reality also has great potential. With VR, companies can create realistic scenarios where employees can practice different skills in a safe environment.

For example, medical professionals can use VR simulations to practice surgical procedures without putting real patients at risk. Similarly, firefighters can use VR simulations to practice different emergency scenarios.

Apps such as STRIVR offer VR training simulations for a wide array of industries, including sports, retail, and healthcare.

Examples of Successful Mobile AR and VR Campaigns

Pokemon Go: A Successful Example of Mobile AR Game

Pokemon Go is undoubtedly the most successful example. The game was launched in 2016 and quickly became a global phenomenon, with millions of users downloading the app within days.

The game uses GPS technology and augmented reality to create an immersive gaming experience that allows gamers to catch virtual creatures called Pokemon in real-world locations. It also uses landmarks and popular spots as Pokestops where players can collect items.

The success of Pokemon Go lies in its ability to combine nostalgia, social interaction, and innovative technology into a single package. The game has been downloaded over one billion times worldwide and has generated billions of dollars in revenue.

IKEA Place App: A Successful Example of Using Mobile AR for Furniture Shopping

IKEA Place is an augmented reality mobile app that allows users to virtually place furniture in their homes before making a purchase. The app uses Apple’s ARKit technology to create accurate representations of furniture products at scale, allowing users to see how they would look in their actual living spaces.

The app has been incredibly successful because it solves a common problem faced by shoppers who want to buy furniture online but are unsure if it will fit or look good in their homes. With IKEA Place, customers can make informed decisions without having to physically visit a store.

Audi’s Chloride: A Successful Example of Using VR In-Car Entertainment System

Audi’s Holoride is a virtual reality entertainment system designed specifically for use in cars. The system uses VR headsets synced with the car’s movements to provide passengers with an immersive experience that matches the motion of the vehicle.

Passengers can choose from various experiences, such as space travel or underwater exploration while on the road, making long journeys more enjoyable and less tedious.

This innovation offers new possibilities for entertainment during long car rides, especially for families with young children. The system has won multiple awards and is expected to be available in Audi vehicles soon.

Tips for Creating Effective Mobile AR and VR Content

Digital content has come a long way since the inception of virtual and augmented reality. With the increasing use of mobile devices, it is essential to create effective AR and VR content that engages users. Here are some tips for creating successful mobile AR and VR content.

Keep it Simple Yet Engaging

The primary goal of AR and VR technology is to provide an immersive experience for users. However, it’s important not to overwhelm them with too much information or complex interactions. Keep your content simple yet engaging by focusing on a single concept or idea.

For example, if you’re creating an AR app for a furniture store, focus on showcasing one piece of furniture in detail rather than overwhelming the user with an entire catalog. This allows users to interact with the product in a meaningful way without feeling lost or confused.

Focus on User Experience

User experience is critical. Your content should be easy to navigate, intuitive, and enjoyable for users. Consider how users will interact with your content and design accordingly.

For example, if you’re creating a VR game that requires movement, ensure that the controls are easy to use and responsive. If your app involves scanning QR codes or markers, make sure they’re positioned in easily accessible locations.

Use High-Quality Visuals

AR and VR technology relies heavily on visuals to create an immersive experience. As such, high-quality visuals are crucial when creating effective mobile AR and VR content. Ensure that your graphics are clear, crisp, and visually appealing.

For example, if you’re creating an AR app for a museum exhibit, use high-resolution images that allow users to zoom in on details without losing quality. If you’re developing a VR game set in space, invest in detailed 3D models that accurately depict planets and stars.

Embracing the Future with Mobile Augmented and Virtual Reality

In conclusion, mobile augmented and virtual reality offers immense benefits for businesses looking to enhance customer experience and drive growth. By understanding the basics of these technologies, businesses can create perfect content that resonates with their target audience. Successful campaigns from various industries have shown the potential of mobile AR and VR in engaging customers and increasing brand awareness. To create successful campaigns, it’s essential to follow best practices such as creating user-friendly content and providing clear calls to action.

Call-to-Action: Start exploring how your business can leverage mobile AR and VR to enhance customer experience today!


Q: What are some examples of successful mobile AR campaigns?

A: Sephora’s Virtual Artist app allows customers to virtually try on makeup products before purchasing, while IKEA Place lets users place furniture in their own space using AR technology. These campaigns have increased engagement and sales for both companies.

Q: How can I ensure my mobile AR or VR content is effective?

A: Make sure your content is user-friendly, visually appealing, and provides clear calls to action. Conduct user testing to gather feedback on usability and adjust accordingly.

Q: Can small businesses benefit from using mobile AR or VR?

A: Absolutely! Mobile AR and VR offer opportunities for businesses of all sizes to enhance customer experience, increase engagement, and drive growth.

Q: Are there any downsides to using mobile AR or VR?

A: One downside is that not all devices support these technologies yet, so it may limit your audience reach. Creating high quality content can be time-consuming and expensive.

Q: How do I get started with incorporating mobile AR or VR into my business strategy?

A: Start by researching best practices in creating effective content for these technologies. Consider partnering with a developer or agency experienced in creating mobile AR/VR experiences if you don’t have the resources in-house.